PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship Tournament - Semi-Finals: WarGames Elimination Match:
Capital Regime (Austin Aries, Brent Albright, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) beat Los Guerreros del Infierno (Atlantis, Averno, Mephisto and Ultimo Guerrero) 4 falls to 3:
x Atlantis beat Aries via the La Atlantida in 0:13:43
x U. Guerrero beat Malenko via the Ultimo Guerrero-Plex in 0:17:19
x Benoit beat Mephisto via a diving headbutt in 0:27:46
x Albright beat Averno via the Crowbar in 0:31:43
x Atlantis beat Benoit via the La Atlantida in 0:37:01
x Albright beat U. Guerrero via the Crowbar in 0:40:55
x Albright beat Atlantis via a half nelson suplex in 0:51:36
Survivors: Brent Albright
Rating: *** 1/2
PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship Tournament - Semi-Finals: WarGames Elimination Match:
Greatest Stable Period (Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, James Gibson and Roderick Strong) beat Kennedy Alliance (Abyss, Dave Finlay, Ken Kennedy and Umaga) 4 falls to 3:
x Kennedy beat Whitmer via the J.F.K. in 0:10:10
x Umaga beat Strong via the Samoan Spike in 0:14:55
x Finlay beat Gibson via the Celtic Cross in 0:23:34
x Pearce beat Abyss via a spinebuster in 0:26:21
x Pearce beat Finlay via the Iron Spike in 0:31:00
x Pearce beat Umaga via the Spike Piledriver in 0:38:19
x Pearce beat Kennedy via the Rack Bomb in 0:45:54
Survivors: Adam Pearce
Rating: *** 1/2
PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship Tournament - Finals: WarGames Elimination Match for the vacant PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship:
Greatest Stable Period (Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, James Gibson and Roderick
Strong) defeated Capital Regime (Austin Aries, Brent Albright, Chris Benoit
and Dean Malenko) 4 falls to 3:
x Pearce beat Aries via the Rack Bomb in 0:11:50
x Malenko beat Whitmer via the Texas Cloverleaf in 0:15:25
x Benoit beat Gibson via the Crippler Crossface in 0:22:54
x Pearce beat Malenko via the Rack Bomb in 0:27:29
x Albright beat Strong via the Crowbar in 0:30:24
x Pearce beat Benoit via a Fujiwara armbar in 0:35:49
x Pearce beat Albright via the Rack Bomb in 0:40:04
Survivors: Adam Pearce
Rating: *****
(Greatest Stable Period (Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, James Gibson and Roderick Strong) won the PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship.)
(Card rating: **** 1/2)
PWF WarGames 2017
October 28, 2017