Sunday, September 23, 2007

10/24/15: PWF WarGames 2015 - Quadrathlon Survivor

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Round 1:
War Games Match:
Bret Hart, Brent Albright, Brian Kendrick and Paul London defeated CM Punk,
James Gibson, Roderick Strong and Adam Pearce 4 falls to 2:
x Pearce beat London via the Rack Bomb in 0:09:00
x Kendrick beat Pearce via the Sliced Bread #2 in 0:16:48
x Strong beat Kendrick via the Stronghold in 0:25:24
x Albright beat Strong via the Crowbar in 0:32:03
x Albright beat Gibson via the Crowbar in 0:36:25
x B. Hart beat Punk via the Sharpshooter in 0:41:25
Survivors: Bret Hart, Brent Albright
Rating: **** 1/4

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Round 1:
War Games Match:
Mike Quackenbush, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer defeated Ken
Kennedy, AJ Styles and Can-Am Express (Jerry Lynn and Lance Storm)
4 falls to 3:
x Whitmer beat Storm via the Exploder '98 in 0:09:45
x Lynn beat Whitmer via the Cradle Piledriver in 0:13:48
x Daniels beat Lynn via the Last Rites in 0:17:24
x Aries beat Daniels via the 450 Splash in 0:22:03
x Styles beat Aries via the Styles Clash in 0:27:25
x Kennedy beat Styles via the J.F.K. in 0:31:25
x Quackenbush beat Kennedy via the CHIKARA Special in 0:40:27
Survivors: Mike Quackenbush
Rating: ****

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Round 1:
War Games Match:
Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli), Kevin Steen and El
Generico defeated The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe), Samoa Joe and
Nigel McGuinness 4 falls to 3:
x M. Briscoe beat Generico via the Shooting Star Press in 0:08:25
x Steen beat M. Briscoe via the Go Home Driver in 0:11:18
x Castagnoli beat J. Briscoe via the Ricola Bomb in 0:15:54
x McGuinness beat Steen via Pendulum Lariat in 0:18:53
x Castagnoli beat McGuinness via the UBS Neckbreaker in 0:20:05
x Joe beat Castagnoli via the Island Driver 0:25:25
x Hero beat Joe via the Hangman's Clutch Facebuster in 0:35:17
Survivors: Chris Hero
Rating: **** 1/4

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Round 1:
War Games Match:
Bryan Danielson, Davey Richards, Alex Shelley and Jimmy Rave defeated Takeshi
Morishima, Dave Finlay, Doug Williams and Michael Modest 4 falls to 2:
x Rave beat Modest via the Pedigree in 0:10:25
x Shelley beat D. Williams via the Modified Snap STO in 0:13:48
x Finlay beat Rave via the Celtic Cross in 0:16:14
x Morishima beat Shelley via the Backdrop Suplex in 0:19:23
x Richards beat Finlay via the Go 2 Sleep 2.0 in 0:21:25
x Danielson beat Morishima via a small package 0:32:10
Survivors: Bryan Danielson, Davey Richards
Rating: ****

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Semi-Finals:
War Games Match:
Mike Quackenbush, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer defeated Bret
Hart, Brent Albright, Brian Kendrick and Paul London 4 falls to 3:
x Whitmer beat London via the Super Exploder '98 in 0:08:26
x Kendrick beat Whitmer via the Cyclone DDT in 0:12:44
x Daniels beat Kendrick via the Best Moonsault Ever in 0:15:10
x Albright beat Daniels via the Hart Attack in 0:20:29
x Quackenbush beat Albright via the Quackendriver in 0:25:21
x B. Hart beat Styles via the Sharpshooter in 0:30:12
x Quackenbush beat B. Hart via the Quackendriver II 0:40:14
Survivors: Mike Quackenbush
Rating: **** 1/2

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Semi-Finals:
War Games Match:
Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli),
Kevin Steen and El Generico defeated Bryan Danielson,
Davey Richards, Alex Shelley and Jimmy Rave 4 falls to 3:
x Steen beat Rave via the Package Piledriver in 0:10:26
x Shelley defeated Generico via the Border City Stretch in 0:13:44
x Richards beat Steen via the D.R. Driver in 0:16:10
x Hero beat Shelley via the Hero's Welcome in 0:21:29
x Danielson beat Castagnoli via the Cattle Mutilation in 0:26:21
x Hero beat Richards via the Hero's Welcome in 0:31:12
x Hero beat Danielson via the Super Hero's Welcome 0:41:14
Survivors: Chris Hero
Rating: ****

PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship tournament - Finals: Match for the vacant PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship:
Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli), Kevin Steen and El
Generico defeated Mike Quackenbush, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and BJ
Whitmer 4 falls to 3:
x Whitmer beat Generico via the Super Exploder '98 in 0:11:16
x Steen beat Whitmer via the Steenalizer in 0:14:24
x Daniels beat Steen via the Angel's Wings in 0:17:10
x Castagnoli beat Daniels via the Ricola Bomb in 0:23:29
x Castagnoli beat Styles via the UBS Neckbreaker in 0:30:21
x Quackenbush beat Castagnoli via the Quackendriver III in 0:41:12
x Hero beat Quackenbush via the Hero's Welcome Championship Edition in
Survivors: Chris Hero
Rating: ****
(Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli), Kevin Steen and El Generico won the PWF Quadrathlon Survivor Championship.)

(Card rating: ****)


PWF WarGames 2015
Quadrathlon Survivor Championship Tournament
October 24, 2015

-During the event, it was announced that Curt Hennig would wrestle his retirement match in the PWF during the upcoming PWF Blaze of Glory tour against the returning Jimmy Jacobs.